We understand that the first eight years of life are crucial not only for an individual's future success but also for our city's economic vitality and overall quality of life. We prioritize our youngest citizens and work to ensure their healthy physical, cognitive, and social-emotional development.
There is alignment of resources and services for an early childhood coordinated system to ensure all children meet developmental milestones.
Virginia Beach GrowSmart collaborative partners have a strong mutual partnership and work together to ensure all children are born healthy, and begin school ready to learn and read at or above grade level by third grade. Moreover, the Virginia Beach business community recognizes the importance of early childhood education and development for the economic growth of our city. Members of the business community actively support Virginia Beach GrowSmart’s efforts and help to ensure its financial sustainability.
Strengthen partnerships with families and the community to support children’s early learning & development, providing resources and opportunities for active involvement in early education & school readiness.
Provide comprehensive business training, professional development, and career pathways to build a skilled and motivated early education workforce that supports high standards and quality learning environments.
Increase access & affordability to quality early learning environments for our current workforce and children as a dual generation workforce development strategy.
Expand access to quality early childhood education opportunities for children to support their healthy development, kindergarten readiness and early literacy success.