First Grade READS is a literacy tutoring program in Virginia Beach. By pairing striving first-grade readers with caring community volunteer tutors/mentors we assist children in becoming confident, successful readers. Tutors receive intensive training in effective instructional techniques and increasing student engagement. Each month the children are given one free take-home book, to build their home library and encourage reading outside of school.

Our local campaign, Virginia Beach READS, is our city's effort to energize the entire community around the critical issue of ensuring all children are reading on or above grade level by third grade.

The research is clear:

  • Studies show the number of words a child knows when entering kindergarten is predictive of early learning success.
  • A child not reading at grade level by the end of first grade has an 88% chance of not reading at grade level by the end of fourth grade.
  • Children not reading proficiently by third grade are 4 times more likely to drop out of school.

Are you interested in volunteering? For additional information, please email or call 757-385-6495 .

Volunteers Spotlight

After five months together my student asked me very seriously, was I going to be with her next year in the second grade.

~ Volunteer Rose