Children Raising Their Hands in Class

GrowSmart to offer scholarships for Virginia Beach childcare centers

Raising the Bar : A Regional Early Childhood Conference presented by Children's Harbor in partnership with the VAAEYC Southeastern Chapter will take place this year on Saturday, October 15th at Granby High School in Norfolk. This event will feature over 5 1/2 hours of training content to include: quality workshops, ECE resources, trending topics and certificates.

The following training topics will be covered:

  • Conscious Discipline
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Leadership
  • Social Emotional Learning
  • Early Brain Development
  • Infant & Toddler Care
  • Self-Care/Mindfulness

Come celebrate early childhood and the conference's Sweet 16th birthday with PARTY festivities! Opening Session will feature an energized dance party and will be loaded with lots of fun, excitement and prizes!

Conference Schedule

7:30 AM - Registration

8:00 AM - Opening PARTY

9:00 AM - 3:30 PM - Workshops/Lunch/Prizes

Are you seeking virtual options? Select the "RTB Virtual option" and receive up to 8 high quality workshops to be viewed anytime at your convenience for up to 3 weeks after the conference!

Update: all scholarships have been claimed. For registration questions please call (757) 399-1337 or email